How much does it cost to go scalloping?

Category: Florida Scalloping

$400 to $500 per trip

Scalloping is a popular activity in Crystal River, Florida.  Bay scallops are plentiful in the area and provide a fun way to enjoy the water. Scalloping requires special gear, which can be rented or purchased. The cost of scalloping varies depending on the type of gear you use and how long you stay out on the water.

Overall, scalloping is an affordable activity that provides a great opportunity to experience the beautiful waters of Crystal River. Whether you rent gear or purchase your own, the cost of scalloping is generally quite reasonable and makes for a fun day out on the water with friends and family. So, if you’re looking for a fun and affordable way to explore the bay scallops of Crystal River, be sure to give scalloping a try!

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